
How to Keep Mosquitos Out of Your Garden

In the summer months, there is nothing better than spending a relaxing evening in the garden. That is until you are covered in insect bites!  Those itchy and often painful bites are enough to ruin even the best party and can be quite an ordeal for those who suffer allergic reactions. Whilst mosquitos in the UK are not carriers of nasty diseases like malaria and the Zika virus, that doesn’t mean they are welcome visitors.

When it is time to get the barbecue out and to spend time on the patio, what can you do to keep those pesky insects away?

Watch Your Water

Insects are attracted to water and particularly stagnant water so you should ensure that the water in your bird birth is fresh or emptied away. Check that there are no pots or buckets of water lying around and put a lid on your water butt. If there are any areas of your patio or garden where water tends to collect then get these levelled.

Scented Candles and Incense

It is well worth you investing in a few candles and diffusers which are formulated to repel insects. Most of these feature citronella which possesses an aroma that insects really dislike. The candles will add to the ambiance too!

Personal Hygiene

Some people are mosquito magnets whilst others can walk through a cloud of the critters and escape completely unscathed. This phenomena can be partly explained by the fact that mosquitos prefer to feed on group O blood rather than group B and they really dislike group A. Sadly there is nothing you can do about your blood group!

However, mosquitos are also attracted to sweat and the older the sweat the more they like it so it helps if you take a shower before you enjoy your evening outdoors. But don’t use scented soaps or spray yourself with perfume because the mozzies like these scents even more! Talking of smellies, did you know that scientists are currently working on developing mosquito traps using the aroma of sweaty socks!


Insect Repellents

If you are an insect magnet then spray yourself in repellent before you brave your patio. Products containing DEET are considered to be the most effective but there is evidence to suggest that mosquitos are developing an immunity to this chemical. DEET has also attracted its fair share of controversy as it is a synthetic substance which may not be beneficial to human health.

Eat Marmite

There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that eating Marmite will help to keep the mozzies away. This strange idea has yet to be scientifically tested but if you like Marmite then why not test the theory yourself?

Keep Chickens

Mosquitos do not like the smell of chickens. The presence of poultry is guaranteed to keep the mozzies at bay but unfortunately a chicken from the supermarket won’t help. The birds have to be alive to work their magic. Chickens and a coop would be a significant investment but just think of all those eggs!


So there you have it. Keep clean, don’t wear sweaty socks, eat Marmite and walk around carrying a chicken and you will never be bitten again.